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When taking care of ourselves spiritually, many people immediately think of going to a place of worship such as a church, temple, or mosque. While this may be one way to take care of ourselves, it will not fit those who do not belong to any faith.

However, after extensive chats with people from multiple backgrounds, I found other ways to nourish our soul.

What is Spiritual Self-Care?

Before diving into those activities, I wanted to share what spiritual self-care meant to me. Spiritual self-care is the activity where we engage ourselves to find support, build connections and discover deep meaning in our life. It’s the little things we do to help others. I feel like spiritual self-care is filling up a jar with accomplishments that nourish our soul.

There are different ways to explore spirituality in our life. Some people include yoga, meditation, prayer, and music. There are also other ways to nourish yourself through:

An Act of Compassion

The feeling of giving back to others showcases our charitable side. When you see them smile and appreciate your little act of kindness, there are numerous benefits. You feel more connected with other people by doing service without the intention of a reward.

Some people are charitable through their monetary donations because it allows the organization to purchase supplies and other expenses. However, many others are compassionate through volunteering their time. The time allows them to engage with their community to make a difference.

Photo by Daniel Chekalov on Unsplash

Daily Mantra

A mantra is a word, sound, or phrase that is repeated frequently. We repeat these mantras daily to remind ourselves of what’s important to us. For some, it reflects our values. For others, it may remind them of what to focus on as their end goals.

Here are some mantras I got from a group I’m part of:

  • “Nothing is permanent.”
  • “You are enough.”
  • “This too shall pass.”
  • “I am right where I need to be.”


Imagine a quiet place and environment to really sit and collect your thoughts. People who practice meditation use it to feel more connected within themselves. The focus on their own body allows them to be more mindful and notice what’s in their environment.


Prayer is our primary form for observing our spiritual side. It is our way to connect with a higher being. Prayers are used to praise, express our gratitude, and request for guidance in tackling our problems.

A bonus is that at places of worship, there are leadership figures who you can reach out to for guidance. Sometimes, they can give you advice on how to address your problems. Reach out to them for support as well.

Photo by Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash

Our spiritual self-care is essential to our lives and for our well-being. There are multiple ways to take care of yourself that are beyond religion. Many of these activities connect you to what’s important in your life and help you work towards those values.

Once you discover what is important, you’ll feel rejuvenated each time you partake in those activities.