At the beginning of your relationship, you remember going out frequently to share how much you care for each other. However, you both have now started to slow down the frequent dates and settle for comfortability with each other. It can be challenging for date nights when you have so many other obligations.

Date nights are crucial for each other to connect with each other. This is the time for each other to focus on your identity as a couple. For those with children, this is an opportunity to talk about something other than your kids and really bond with each other.

Here are some tips for date nights:

1. Take Deep Breaths

Before going out, ensure that you are fully present on the date. It is difficult to focus on each other when there is so much going on. However, taking a moment to relax and shift mindsets into focusing on the date can work wonders. It is normal for your mind to wander and think about something else. Acknowledge that you are distracted and then go back to focusing on your partner.

2. Build Friendship

Ask your partner questions about them. One of my favorite apps is called Gottman Card Decks App. On this app, they have hundreds of questions to ask your significant other. The intention of these questions is to remind you that at the core of your relationship, you are friends. Once we stop being curious about the other person, that friendship can start to suffer.

3. Share Appreciations

This is an opportunity to share with your partner what you noticed and appreciated that they did for you. It can be small moments or big moments that you found helpful and convey your gratitude for it. If your partner shares an appreciation to you, thank them for it.

4. Share your Hopes and Dreams

Tell your partner about where you see your relationship in five to ten years. What do you envision that the two of you could accomplish together? Share with them about what you would like to see happen. Listen to what their hopes and dreams are and see if there are any ways you can both assist each other to reach them.