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Self-care pertains to one’s ability to promote and maintain your own health and well-being. Caring for yourself is an integral part of maintaining excellent health and projecting the ideal type of energy that you truly deserve.

There are many self-care tools and methods that you can use depending on your requirements and needs. But among the broad categories, yoga is recognized as one of the incredible forms of self-care. It’s widely practiced by different communities and cultures around the world and has been around for almost 5,000 years.

It is amazing how a single yoga session can help you tune in to your surroundings. The strength building and poses on the mat have the power to let the person know where they are holding tension and what types of movement are needed on a given day. With regular yoga practice each week, you will be able to experience numerous benefits.

People who experience “tuning in” during their yoga practice also experience deeper connections within their bodies even when they are off the yoga mat. Throughout the day, they are more likely to listen to the needs that their body demands and practice self-care to fulfill those needs.

Self-Care Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is one of the best tools for self-care and spending hours can benefit your heart and brain through daily practice throughout your life. It can do all these things simultaneously. It’s synergistic, and it transforms lives. This is something that people do not see much in modern medicine.

The following are just a few of the many self-care benefits of yoga:

  • Improves your mental health
  • Increases your balance and strength
  • Relaxes you and gets rid of your aches and pains
  • Connects you to your own body
  • Promotes healthy eating practices
  • Makes you feel and look great
  • Reduce stress

Get Involved!

To start off, make sure you have a yoga mat on hand. If not, purchase one here! Next, get involved! There are many ways to get involved!

  • Physically join a local yoga class
  • Download an app and participate virtually
  • Go on Youtube and follow along with an instructor (Highly recommend)
Check out this 10 minute morning yoga routine for beginners by @SarahBethYoga on Youtube.

Yoga is for everyone! You can start off at your own pace and find the workouts that best fits your own lifestyle. Yoga fosters positive attitudes of self-care by providing numerous benefits to the mind and body. Practicing yoga regularly is one gift that you can give to yourself. It is a healthy habit that you can utilize throughout your life. Yoga allows all of us to focus on our own well-being. Try it out today and find the one that works for you!

I’d love to know what yoga technique you’d like to try out next! Comment below.